(see our Loan Policy at the end of this page)
Fundación Ramón Areces, Madrid, 11 to 29 March 2019.
Exhibition "La Gran Guerra, del Armisticio a Versalles. Europa 1918-1919", to illustrate a conference by the Canadian writer and historian Margaret MacMillan.
Click on the cover of the catalog to see inside

Opening of the exhibition "Rusia 1917. El año que cambió el mundo" (Russia 1917, the year that changed the world). Fundación Ramón Areces, Madrid. 25 October 2017
Click on the cover of the catalog to see inside

The director of the Fundación Ramón Areces, Mr. Raimundo Pérez-Hernández, English author and Russian expert Mrs. Catherine Merridale, and Mr. Josep Bosch at the opening of the exhibition and the conference by Mrs. Merridale on the centenary of the Russian Revolution.
Presentation of the book "Historia gráfica contemporánea de España
a través de la prensa 1898-2017", written by Josep Bosch, at the
Fundación Areces. Madrid 29 June 2017

 The director of Fundación Areces, Raimundo Pérez-Hernández, makes
a speech at the
opening of the presentation.

The director of Fundación Areces, Raimundo Pérez-Hernández, makes
a speech at the
opening of the presentation.

The author of the book, Josep Bosch, addressing the audience
during the presentation.

Journalist Miguel Angel Aguilar intervenes during the

Historian Santos Juliá intervenes during the presentation.
Geneva: Université de Genève. Festival d'histoire Genève.
13-16 May 2015
"Construire la paix" (Building peace)
Geneva (Cologny) Fondation Martin Bodmer
October 4th – November 2nd
L’Histoire à la une (History in the front page)
More information (dossier de presse)

Fondation Martin Bodmer's vice-president, André Tombet, at the opening of the exhibition.
© Fondation Martin Bodmer / Naomi Wenger

© Fondation Martin Bodmer / Naomi Wenger

© Fondation Martin Bodmer / Naomi Wenger

© Fondation Martin Bodmer / Naomi Wenger

© Fondation Martin Bodmer / Naomi Wenger
Madrid. Fundación Ramón Areces
May 19th to June 11th
1914: Europa en Guerra. 100 aniversario
28th Geneva Book and Press fair, Palexpo
April 30 to May 4
"Premières Lignes. La Grande Guerre a la une"

From June 25 to July 4
"History as News" (1898-2011)
At the World Trade Organization
(On the occasion of the inauguration of the new building in the Centre William Rappard)
Rue de Lausanne 154, Geneva (Switzerland)
From February 12 to March 1
"History as News" (1898-2011)
Salle des Pas Perdus
Palais des Nations (United Nations Building)
Organized jointly with ACANU (Geneva Association of United Nations Correspondents)
View photos of the exhibition on Flickr | View video
Quotes from the exhibition's visitors book :
"It is a thousand times more interesting than a history textbook. So real!." (Christian Kuebel).
"No computer technology would be able to replace the feeling people have gotten while looking at these newspapers". (Yuriy Kryvonos)
"Since then, I'm definitely not looking at newspapers the same way anymore…" (Ariane Ducor)